Custom Web App Development Services

With over 20-year track record in web application development services, *instinctools delivers secure, scalable, and high-performing web solutions, tailored to your business goals and the needs of your customers. Industry-specific enterprise web apps or customer-centered solutions — we are up for any challenge.

Wield the potential of custom web application development

Enough with laggy interactions and poor responsiveness — our web developers use high-performance web frameworks, well-organized architectures, and effective CSS optimization techniques to build high-speed apps.

When it comes to architecture design, we prepare your app for now and for the unexpected. That’s why we create a robust, flexible server architecture that will be able to handle high loads without missing a beat.


Limited scalability of software traps business growth. We design with scalability in mind, putting modular structures at the heart of our applications, to let them grow with the flow and support your existing and future needs.


We balance innovation with compliance and implement the necessary safeguards and data security practices to ensure compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, CCPA, and other relevant legal standards and regulations.


When developing your custom solution, we ensure conformity with ISO 2700 and NIST 800 to make sure your web app is developed in line with benchmark security requirements. Our comprehensive InfoSec approach relies on multiple levels of protection, including secure SDLC, hybrid infrastructure, IP and personal data protection to safeguard your solution.


People respond when you go the extra mile for them — the same goes for user experiences. Our development team goes by your end user’s needs, preferences, and behaviors to develop engaging web experiences that resonate with your target audience.

Why *instinctools

Increase speed to market


Reduce development cost


Assure information security


Get high-quality software


Scale team up and down


Purpose-built web software for the best version of your business

Fine-tuned for your existing infrastructure, our custom app development solutions address the unique demands of your company with the exact set of features you need.


We build custom ecommerce web applications of any complexity — with a dependable architecture designed for different loads. Completed with a responsive design and advanced techs, our ecommerce solutions set you on a path to higher sales and enhanced customer experience.

Web solutions for enterprise automation
Our custom software development company delivers web-based enterprise software solutions, such as CRM, HRM, ERP, LMS, and others, designed to handle large-scale operations and grow alongside your organization.
Digital products
The expertise of our company goes well beyond code. Refined by hundreds of projects, our product development knowledge helps ambitious startups and incumbent companies strategize, validate, implement, and monetize their unique SaaS products.
Real-time data analytics and visualization
Our team of data science experts delivers advanced analytics tools and BI solutions that provide up-to-the-minute insights into your operations. Based on your analytics needs, we can supplement your solution with DWH, data visualization, and more.
Corporate websites
Tap into our web development expertise to build mobile and tablet-optimized portals that ensure secure access to resources and tools within an organization. Our corporate websites come with a convenient CMS for the scalability and ease of content updates.
Digital media
Turn to our custom web application development services to build content-heavy websites and platforms. Our digital media solutions incorporate immersive experiences, personalized content delivery, and other advanced features for next-level user experiences.

Propel your business to new heights with a feature-rich web app, built to your needs

Awards and recognition

Delivering web apps for all kinds of needs

You tell us your business goals, and we’ll build the solution to get you there.
Platform-based web development
Leverage our customized app development services and build on top of the popular ready-made platforms to cut costs without trade-offs. From fine-tuning the platform’s CMS to developing custom plugins, we will help your customized solution mesh better with your business needs.
Fully custom web development from scratch
Platform-based development doesn’t suffice your stringent requirements? Designed to your needs to the ninth degree, our custom web solutions give you full control over your application performance, security, and feature selection.
We build user-first device-agnostic Progressive Web Applications that bring app-like experience to end-users, regardless of the conditions. Our PWAs combine offline capabilities with fast loading times and responsiveness to cut your bounce rates and increase conversions.
Cloud-native web development

Develop solutions that take full advantage of cloud-based delivery models and adjust to your business needs at the double. We deliver ready-to-deploy containerized web applications with the microservices architecture at the core that offers unmatched scalability, flexibility, and resilience.

Brewing up an innovative idea for a web application?

Featured success stories


Pull in our web application development services to accelerate your project

Our custom web application development company meets you whenever you are and drives your web development project to success. At *instinctools, you can find all the necessary expertise, complimented with a nuanced domain understanding.

Our web app development company provides guidance on various aspects of custom web app development, including product design, architecture, and compliance management. We can also audit your underperforming software to break down the performance bottlenecks and accelerate your ongoing development process by sharing our best practices.

A clear vision and a roadmap about your project objectives are crucial to nipping development challenges in the bud. Our team of business analysts, solution architects, and designers runs discovery sessions to scope your project, document all the requirements, and develop a solid foundation for your custom app, including solution architecture and initial wireframes.
Full-stack development

At our custom web app development company you can build the front end and back end of your web application in one go. Our developers are well-versed in developing custom web applications with complex business logic, achieving a high level of performance, and keeping the security of your application watertight.

Third-party integrations
Our development team sets up business-critical integrations for your custom software, helping you streamline business processes and elevate the solution’s features. We put the security of your integrations first and run integration and unit testing to ensure seamless and secure data flows between target systems.
UX/UI design
Websites need a rad look to attract audiences — 38% of consumers bounce when they see unattractive layouts. Drawing on the behaviors and interactions of your target audience, our design team creates a user-friendly web design that looks great on every device and improves the accessibility of your web solution.
Quality assurance

Deliver a high-grade, faultless web experience your company can be proud of. As part of our custom app development services, our team offers a comprehensive suite of QA capabilities, including functional, usability, performance, and other types of testing, to refine your solution and make it clear for a successful takeoff.

Support and maintenance
Once you roll out custom software, it’s not a set-and-forget deal. You need ongoing performance monitoring, troubleshooting, and feature upgrades to adjust it to your evolving business objectives and customer needs. That’s exactly what our dedicated support team does, ensuring your product’s reliability and protecting it from flaws.
Legacy software modernization

Clunky, sluggish, and restrictive legacy systems erode your profitability and lead to unforeseen financial burdens. Our team helps you offset the risk of stale software and turn it into a state-of-the-art web solution, revamped to be flexible and updated with new features to fit the gyration of your business processes.

Releasing high-quality software is important, but making it faster and smarter is even more so. In DevOps since 2010, our custom application development company has a team of experts that can help you usher in more automation into software delivery and maximize the quality of your deliverables.

Bring us your development challenges and we’ll address them head-on

What our clients say

Patrick Reich
Co-Founder & CEO

The expectations for the quality of the initial product were very high. I think *instinctools did a great job ensuring those expectations are met. We met the developers we were going to be working with and it quickly became apparent that they are very qualified and were able to deliver the vision that we had from our side for the product. They clearly told us what they were going to do, and if there were questions or problems along the way, they clarified them really quickly thanks to transparent communication.

Dimitri Popolov
Research Data and Systems Manager

We had a tight delivery deadline and *instinctools has been able to find another developer and assign him to our project from one day to another. And we’ve been able to successfully deliver this project. When the partner is good, things are just getting done. And that was the case with *instinctools.

Matti Vesterinen
Solution Development Manager

The quality has been good. It’s been on the expected level: things come on time, we have a good visibility on the things that *instinctools developers are doing and performing for us, communication is good. Wherever we see that we need some more exra resources, we have found *instinctools to be a good partner in helping us out on those areas.

Tim Rosenberger
Director, Global R&D

I’ve been impressed by the available skillset, tthe flexibility to ramp up resources quickly, and the scalability to extend development teams on short notice. I look forward to continue collaboration with *instinctools and their contribution to our projects.

Richard Lohwasser
Co-Founder & CEO

People at *instinctools are quite tech heads, which I like. They have used very advanced libraries, advanced techniques, advanced coding paradigms. So the advantage is that we get reusable code, that we get well-testable code, we get well-maintained code.

Dr. Jonas Block
Product Owner

The *instinctools team exhibits the flexibility and professionality required for young companies. You can rely on their tested structures and processes that integrate nicely with your internal workflows. Being able to grow your team quickly with experienced professionals that start delivering value immediately and without a long interview process is a huge help. And personally, you will be working with a team of kind and interesting people.

Nadine Walther
Co-Founder & CEO

The team is dependable when it comes to managing time and finances, consistently staying within the designated budget. We’re pleased with *instinctools. Their business analysts are exceptional. They serve as the spokespeople between technology and business, representing both sides effectively.

Jeanine Shepstone
Senior Technical Writer

Instinctools is good at understanding the technical issues – once an issue is outlined, they do not need repeated explanation. They also do not simply accept a proposed solution, but they think about it and propose a better solution. I was really impressed by the custom interface they built for us – we outlined the requirements, and they implemented them in a user-friendly way that makes the interface a pleasure to use.

Custom web applications we build are all that

Tech stack and ample experience

Our team’s proficiency in modern technologies and programming languages allows us to provide professional custom web development services. Today, our established tech expertise includes:

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

Get in touch

Drop us a line about your project at or via the contact form below, and we will contact you soon.