Angular App Development Services

Harness the potential of the battle-tested technology.
We use Angular as part of the MEAN stack to build dynamic, feature-rich web applications that are reliable and secure. As a veteran Angular development company, we have developed a comprehensive suite of Angular services that can help you build high-performance apps that stand out from the crowd.

Build and maintain engaging applications with our Angular development services

From app design and architecture to deployment and maintenance, we provide full-cycle Angular development services tailored to your requirements. Whether you need to optimize the performance of your existing Angular solution, develop a new one from scratch, or migrate from AngularJS to Angular, our team of experienced developers will help you bring your vision to life.

Angular consulting

Our experienced consultants will provide a thorough review of your existing environment and highlight opportunities for growth. We will work closely with you to identify gaps in your architecture and develop an in-depth improvement plan. By taking our assessment beyond the conventional analysis, we can uncover hidden opportunities that maximize efficiency and minimize the maintenance costs of your Angular solution.

Custom development

As an Angular app development company, *instinctools delivers custom applications tailored to the specific needs of your business. Our developers bring a deep understanding of Angular architecture and can leverage its features to build scalable web custom solutions that meet the latest performance benchmarks and don’t drain your budget.

REST API development

Our Angular developers are proficient in building REST APIs using the MEAN stack. Our team will add a fully-functional API layer, creating an efficient data flow between the frontend of your application and its backend. We also ensure that all REST APIs are secure and well-structured to enable fast communication between different systems.

UX/UI design

As user experience is a major factor in determining the success of your application, we also provide comprehensive UX/UI development services for Angular solutions. Using the latest design trends and Angular Material components, we ensure an attractive and consistent look and feel across all devices. We base our UI decisions on your unique branding and user personas, providing a high level of engagement for your target audience.


We specialize in migrating AngularJS applications to the latest version of Angular to ensure our clients can take advantage of its powerful features. With the help of our dedicated team of developers, businesses can easily migrate their existing web applications to a more efficient environment while keeping day-to-day workflows intact.

Maintenance and support

Our Angular engineers take over the upkeep of your application, enabling it to run at full capacity. After release, we identify performance bottlenecks, rectify bugs, and optimize the codebase to continuously improve the user experience. We are playing the long game, making sure that your application can handle the ever-evolving web ecosystem.

Challenge the market with high-performing web apps.

Chad West
Authored by Chad West,

*instinctools USA
Managing Director,
15+ years in IT consulting

How to choose a software
development partner in 2024?

Comprehensive guide
and checklist included.

Our proven strengths in Angular app development services

Regardless of your idea’s complexity or the industry you are in, our experienced team has an extensive understanding of Angular’s intricacies to build any type of application. Whether it’s a multinational e-commerce platform or a mobile-only calorie calculator, we got you covered.

Single-page applications

With a firm grasp of Angular architecture and its nuances, our developers can maximize the potential of this framework and build SPAs that feel like native desktop applications. By utilizing Angular-specific development techniques, we create a fluid user experience without the need for page reloads.

Web applications

Our Angular development team specializes in transforming complex business needs into robust web applications. We leverage the MVC framework to build an efficient and maintainable codebase, ensuring the end product is scalable, secure, and performant.

Native and cross-platform apps

Regardless of the target platform, we build robust mobile apps using Angular’s single-source-of-truth approach and its native API bindings. We utilize NativeScript to create cross-platform apps that provide a seamless user experience across all devices, with minimal effort for maintenance.

Progressive web apps

To allow your users to access content without the hassle of installing an application, we provide expertise in building PWAs with Angular. This allows extending the reach of your application to a broader audience while still offering users an app-like experience. Our developers optimize the Angular PWA architecture to enable faster loading times, improved performance, and notifications capabilities.

Enterprise applications

We build complex enterprise solutions with Angular, utilizing its modular approach and built-in security features to ensure that the application meets your rigorous standards. Our engineers combine the power of Angular with multiple other frameworks and technologies to create resilient applications that are perfectly suited for large-scale projects.

E-commerce apps

Our company helps businesses create engaging and user-friendly e-commerce apps with Angular to deliver a dynamic and interactive shopping experience. We use Angular’s powerful tools and libraries to integrate various payment gateways, shopping carts, product catalogs, and other essential functionalities.

Ready to start your Angular web development project?

Featured success stories


Standing out from the crowd: Angular’s superpowers

While there is no clear-cut winner in the long-standing rivalry between web development frameworks, Angular has unique features that set it apart. Couple them with a team that knows these features inside out, and Angular becomes a web development superhero. 


We guide you through the whole Go project, starting from the onset. Instinctools’ specialists assess your business challenges, requirements, and limitations to outline ways to cover them with Golang development. Take advantage of our experience in a plethora of areas to unleash your potential and get ahead of your competitors thanks to the fast development of highload software.


Due to its single-source-of-truth approach, Angular enables developers to build highly maintainable codebases that are suitable for deployment on both web and mobile platforms. We use the framework’s native API bindings for each platform to create a seamless user experience across all devices.

Supported by Google

As Angular is an open-source framework maintained by Google, we benefit from a timely stream of updates, patches, and new features. This allows our developers to remain up-to-date with the latest development trends and use the framework’s capabilities to the fullest.

Backed by an active professional community

Angular has an extensive professional community, ready to lend support whenever needed. This helps us tackle any unexpected problems promptly and get your application up and running again in no time.

Easily maintainable

With Angular, it’s easy to keep your codebase up-to-date and bug-free. We utilize the framework’s flexible architecture to break down complex tasks into smaller components that are easier to work with and scale. This makes it much simpler to spot errors and fix them quickly.

Compatible with different engineering environments

Angular can be used within various engineering environments and deployed on a wide range of server infrastructures. This allows us to create versatile and powerful applications while ensuring smooth integration with your existing systems.

Trusted by world-leading companies

Some of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Forbes, Samsung, Paypal, and Netflix, use Angular, cementing its position as a reliable and robust framework for building enterprise-grade applications.

Unleash Angular’s superpowers for your next project.

What makes *instinctools your best bet as an Angular development company?

Angular has been our go-to framework for building dynamic, feature-rich web applications ever since it was launched. We know how to unleash the full potential of Angular, empowering your business to stay ahead of the curve.

Agile approach

We follow an agile approach to build custom Angular applications, incorporating customer feedback at every stage of development. This allows us to create highly customized solutions that meet your timing requirements and quality expectations.

90% of middle and senior engineers

Our team at *instinctools consists of 90% senior and middle engineers, making us one of the most competitive teams in the industry when it comes to delivering complex applications using the MEAN stack.

Affordable costs

We have clear pricing policies and competitive rates to ensure that all our clients can benefit from the highest quality Angular development services without sacrificing their budget. Our pricing model is tailored to suit the needs of businesses of all sizes, ranging from start-ups and small enterprises to large corporations.

Deep expertise

Our developers dive deep into the latest technologies and Angular development techniques, transforming the most complicated business requirements into elegant web apps. Whether you need a single-page application, a progressive web app, or a complex enterprise solution, we are up to the task. 

Transparent work culture

We believe in transparency and communication. Our team will keep you updated with the progress of your project, ensuring that you remain in control of it at all times. We hinge our relationships with customers on trust and open communication.

Fill the gap with a dedicated Angular development team.

What our clients say

Patrick Reich
Co-Founder & CEO

The expectations for the quality of the initial product were very high. I think *instinctools did a great job ensuring those expectations are met. We met the developers we were going to be working with and it quickly became apparent that they are very qualified and were able to deliver the vision that we had from our side for the product. They clearly told us what they were going to do, and if there were questions or problems along the way, they clarified them really quickly thanks to transparent communication.

Dimitri Popolov
Research Data and Systems Manager

We had a tight delivery deadline and *instinctools has been able to find another developer and assign him to our project from one day to another. And we’ve been able to successfully deliver this project. When the partner is good, things are just getting done. And that was the case with *instinctools.

Matti Vesterinen
Solution Development Manager

The quality has been good. It’s been on the expected level: things come on time, we have a good visibility on the things that *instinctools developers are doing and performing for us, communication is good. Wherever we see that we need some more exra resources, we have found *instinctools to be a good partner in helping us out on those areas.

Tim Rosenberger
Director, Global R&D

I’ve been impressed by the available skillset, tthe flexibility to ramp up resources quickly, and the scalability to extend development teams on short notice. I look forward to continue collaboration with *instinctools and their contribution to our projects.

Richard Lohwasser
Co-Founder & CEO

People at *instinctools are quite tech heads, which I like. They have used very advanced libraries, advanced techniques, advanced coding paradigms. So the advantage is that we get reusable code, that we get well-testable code, we get well-maintained code.

Dr. Jonas Block
Product Owner

The *instinctools team exhibits the flexibility and professionality required for young companies. You can rely on their tested structures and processes that integrate nicely with your internal workflows. Being able to grow your team quickly with experienced professionals that start delivering value immediately and without a long interview process is a huge help. And personally, you will be working with a team of kind and interesting people.

Nadine Walther
Co-Founder & CEO

The team is dependable when it comes to managing time and finances, consistently staying within the designated budget. We’re pleased with *instinctools. Their business analysts are exceptional. They serve as the spokespeople between technology and business, representing both sides effectively.

Jeanine Shepstone
Senior Technical Writer

Instinctools is good at understanding the technical issues – once an issue is outlined, they do not need repeated explanation. They also do not simply accept a proposed solution, but they think about it and propose a better solution. I was really impressed by the custom interface they built for us – we outlined the requirements, and they implemented them in a user-friendly way that makes the interface a pleasure to use.


What is an Angular development company?

An Angular development agency specializes in creating bespoke web applications using the Angular framework.

What major companies use Angular?

Angular is used by some of the world’s leading companies, including Google, Forbes, Samsung, Paypal, Microsoft, and Netflix. This makes it a reliable and robust framework for building enterprise-grade applications.

Is Angular still in demand in 2023?

Yes, Angular remains one of the most recognized frameworks for web development used by thousands of companies worldwide.

Can Angular be used for web development?

Yes, Angular is a powerful and versatile framework for web development.

What projects does Angular suit best?

Angular is a great choice for single-page applications, progressive web apps, and complex, large-scale enterprise solutions. It can be used to create an array of dynamic, responsive, and high-performance web applications.

Services we offer

Based on 20+ years of experience, *instinctools solves complex technological challenges with robust, agile solutions.

Digital Product
Product Design
ERP Consulting
CRM Consulting
AI Software
Custom Software
Mobile App
Legacy Software
Dedicated Teams
Cloud Computing
and Maintenance

Awards and recognition

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

Get in touch

Drop us a line about your project at or via the contact form below, and we will contact you soon.