Live Translation App For The Olympics

How creating a translation service app with real-time communication between users and language professionals instead of manual prompting and machine translation empowered an Australian startup to target Rio 2016 Olympics visitors and strike 6.6 million users in the first month after the rollout.

The software is invaluable for everyday situations:

  • Bargaining with sales people overseas
  • Negotiating prices with taxi drivers
  • Asking strangers for directions, etc.


The customer was looking for software development experts capable of creating a certain kind of solution – Uber for interpreters. The greatest challenge of this project was to create a search system which could quickly and easily find the best interpreter according to language, rating and price.


The team worked with a task router, which made the search very efficient. While working on this project, *instinctools closely cooperated with the remote front-end team. Due to the nature of the product and constantly changing requirements, many product aspects had to be designed and formalized in parallel with the development. Therefore, Scrum was chosen to make the development process flexible and efficient for all of the parties involved.

Key features

The software that was developed has the following features:

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Possibility to connect the user with an assistant who speaks the required language by clicking the Call button

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Live interpreting services offered by the solution. The person on the other end of the line does everything possible to make sure that the original message is understood

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After the conversation, there’s an option to rate the interpreter


The work on the translation service application was a great experience for *instinctools. As a result of productive cooperation, the customer received a robust, high-quality product that met their requirements and was ready for launch. This application was widely used during the Rio 2016 Olympics.



Do you have a similar project idea?

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

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