Healthcare Services App For a British Healthcare Provider

How rolling out a mobile app for requesting telephone and Skype consultations with a Clinical Contact Centre (CCC) allowed a local healthcare provider to increase access to health services for the most vulnerable patient groups, such as underinsured and bed-ridden elderly, people with temporary limited mobility, and disabled patients.

the Project

We designed two mobile apps for both iOS and Android platforms that allow a user to access local healthcare services quickly, simply and at a time which is convenient to user. The apps were designed to enable health and social care integration, support self-management of long-term conditions and expand access to services.


The main business objective was to improve business processes and GP (General Practice) service provision to company’s clients, creating the digital products demanded for this purpose.


To improve business processes and GP (General Practice) service provision *instinctools proposed to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms that would have met customer’s business objectives:

Expand access to services

Health and social care integration

Quick access to local healthcare services

Self-management support on the long-term basis

Key features

Register at participating practices

18A3A17A-4608-44A2-A8BA-0D743EFE8516Created with sketchtool.

Request a telephone or Skype consultation with the Clinical Contact Centre (CCC)

Locate their nearest open Pharmacy offering Minor Ailment appointments

View practice information

Leave anonymous feedback on their services




  • AFNetworking

  • CocoaLumberjack

  • PromiseKit

  • Realm

  • EasyMapping

  • Typhoon


  • Cocoapods

  • Fastlane



  • Timber logging

  • Butterknife view injection

  • Retrofit network calls

  • Picasso image loading

Do you have a similar project idea?

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

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