Custom Software Development Services

Get what you need and when you need it with our custom software development company. Our team of 350+ custom software developers builds with your business and employees in mind, not just the general software user.

What makes a custom software solution your go-to option?

With the software market being cram-full of ready-made options, it might seem unnecessary to splurge on bespoke solutions. Yet, the scale often tips towards custom software development projects for a number of compelling reasons. Whatever are yours, we are all set to yield desirable results for your undertaking.

Unique business conditions

One size never fits all, and your business is no exception. Large, innovative, complex — underline one or all of them — in any case, there are either no SaaS offerings for your company or they become too impractical and costly. With custom development, you can tailor solutions specifically to your business needs without draining your budget in the long run.

Uncompromising security requirements

Ironclad security is table stakes for your business. We got it. Off-the-shelf software often falls short in meeting stringent safety requirements, leaving room for multiple vulnerabilities. Custom development, fulfilled by a trustworthy partner, ensures that your security needs are met with precision and integrity.

Reluctance to adapt business processes to the software

It’s the technology that should serve you, not the other way around. If your business processes are just fine as they are, adapting them to fit SaaS frameworks can disrupt operations and efficiency. Custom software solutions allow you to maintain control over your processes without compromising on functionality.

Custom software legacy

You have already invested in custom software tailored to the intricacies of your business. Adopting a platform solution out of the box risks undermining this investment and requires further expenses for integration. Our custom software development services enable your solution to seamlessly weave into the existing software ecosystem, respecting your financial commitment and ensuring compatibility.

Build systems that perfectly align with the goals of your business

Why *instinctools

Increase speed to market


Reduce development cost


Assure information security


Get high-quality software


Scale team up and down


Meet your custom software development consulting team

Our pre-discovery workshops and discovery sessions are designed to achieve a working definition of your project goals, scope, and solution architecture. Drawing on our experience from over 650 tech projects, our custom software consultancy brings a fresh perspective to your projects while keeping your core business needs at the forefront.

  • Pick the brains of a custom software development expert to inform technology decisions and reduce risks in software projects.
  • Determine business requirements and define the solution scope and vision.
  • Get hold of the proper development methodology and technology stack.
  • Develop a project roadmap for your custom business software solutions and get accurate time and cost estimates.
  • Get a head start on the project management and define an optimal team structure.
  • Align your product vision with the industry best practices.

Whatever tech challenge you have, our custom development services can solve it

As your custom software development agency, we build bespoke solutions that span web, mobile, desktop, server-side, IoT, and everything in between. From ideation to integration, *instinctools works hand-in-glove with you every step of your engineering journey. 

Business analysis

Our BAs gear up your project for successful implementation by eliciting requirements, prioritizing the backlog, and getting your project documentation lined up. We also deliver visual representations of your digital solutions so you can build the right product on the first try.

  • Scope definition and documentation
  • Full-cycle project development support
  • Requirements gathering and validation
  • User acceptance testing
UX and design services

Great application design goes beyond aesthetics — its user-centric interfaces that turn first-time users into loyal customers. Our custom application development company finds a fair balance between creativity and usability to keep your custom solutions pretty, yet functional.

  • Prototyping and wireframing
  • Usability testing
  • Frontend development
  • Redesign services
Software integration services

Put an end to your data chaos by enabling smooth data exchange between your business software systems. No matter your integration challenges or deployment approach, our custom software company introduces simple, yet scalable integrations in line with HIPAA, GAMP, PCI DSS, and other regulations.

  • P2P /ESB /Hub-and-spoke integration
  • API development
  • Cloud integration
  • IoT integration
Enterprise automation

Since 2000, our custom software application development company has been assisting global enterprises in creating software that automates complex business processes. Our solutions shore up your digital foundation and enable your company to move at the speed of business change. 

  • Enterprise software modernization and integration
  • Digital transformation
  • Intelligent enterprise automation
Quality assurance

We deliver full-cycle software application testing services to validate every aspect of your software solution, from functional to non-functional components. Our QA engineers bank on a combination of manual and automated testing methods to increase the release pace and reduce the cost of testing by up to 30%.

  • Manual and automation testing
  • API testing
  • Security testing
  • Web and mobile quality assurance
Mobile development

Secure, user-focused, and impactful, our mobile apps empower you to break into the mobile market and grow your business. Our dedicated team of mobile developers builds native and cross-platform mobile applications with big-time features, keeping user and stakeholder feedback at the core of all processes.

  • Android mobile app development
  • iOS mobile app development
  • Cross-platform mobile applications
  • Hybrid mobile apps
Web application development

Supplement your IT infrastructure and boost your consumer reach with custom software development solutions designed for the web platform. Our software engineers deliver flexible, secure, and compliant digital products with reduced TCO and full compatibility with case-specific hardware.

  • Large-scale distributed systems
  • Ecommerce solutions
  • SaaS web solutions
  • Customer-face or business web apps
  • Real-time big data and analytics software
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • AI integration in web applications
Software modernization services

Rely on our custom development services to upgrade and future-proof your outdated business systems. Our custom software development team delivers a revamped version of your software that is easy to maintain, intuitive to work with, and fast to accommodate your growing business needs.

  • Cloud migration and containerization
  • Application customization
  • Complete re-engineering
  • Dev(Sec)Ops transformation

Meet your needs at scale with our custom software app development services

Turn your projects into success stories with our time-tested Delivery Framework

At *instinctools, we know that however great your product idea is, nothing much will come of it without proper implementation. Built on the principles of Disciplined Agile Delivery and PMBoK 7 and honed by 650+ projects, our proprietary Delivery Framework brings consistency, clarity, and structure to the custom software development process. Sticking to this methodology, we ensure you get first-rate quality custom software for business, delivered on time and on budget.

Architecture-driven approach

We put architecture-driven methodology at the center of your software project to set the context for all development processes. Our developers use well-defined development artifacts and optimal solution architectures as a launchpad for reliable, risk-free, and business-driven solutions.

  • Requirements analysis
  • Solution architecture design
  • Detailed documentation
  • Architecture review
Tried-and-true engineering practices

It’s not enough to add Agile software development and the latest software development tools to your product engineering checklist. You need to establish a culture of continuous learning, collaboration, and adaptation within your development team — and our company checks all these boxes.

  • Code Quality Gates
  • Unit testing
  • Code review
  • Knowledge sharing mechanism
PM Handbook

Guided by the best project management practices, advanced tools, and comprehensive checklists, our team guarantees your project hits the mark.

  • Transparent process
  • Efficient communication
  • Risk management
Ease of governance and escalation

Our governance model enables fluid collaboration between the client’s and *instinctools’ teams throughout the entire project. With regular reviews at every level — from team leaders to executives — we align closely with your vision, managing risks and keeping your project on track.

Interested in how to achieve a 100% delivery guarantee?

Chad West
Authored by Chad West,

*instinctools USA
Managing Director,
15+ years in IT consulting

How to choose a software
development partner in 2024?

Comprehensive guide
and checklist included.

Custom software engineering services to ensure rock-solid information security

Our custom business software development company prioritizes the security and integrity of the development process and sticks to the full-fledged InfoSec approach that ensures the failproof security of your custom software.

  • Secure infrastructure in the USA and EU 
  • Secure coding practices and architecture requirements
  • Adherence to regional data standards (GDPR, CCPA) and local data protection laws
  • Robust system for intellectual property protection 
  • Comprehensive ISP strategy backed by ISO 27001 standards
  • InfoSec policies, procedures, trainings, and 100% control
  • Highly qualified information security team

What our clients say

Patrick Reich
Co-Founder & CEO

The expectations for the quality of the initial product were very high. I think *instinctools did a great job ensuring those expectations are met. We met the developers we were going to be working with and it quickly became apparent that they are very qualified and were able to deliver the vision that we had from our side for the product. They clearly told us what they were going to do, and if there were questions or problems along the way, they clarified them really quickly thanks to transparent communication.

Dimitri Popolov
Research Data and Systems Manager

We had a tight delivery deadline and *instinctools has been able to find another developer and assign him to our project from one day to another. And we’ve been able to successfully deliver this project. When the partner is good, things are just getting done. And that was the case with *instinctools.

Matti Vesterinen
Solution Development Manager

The quality has been good. It’s been on the expected level: things come on time, we have a good visibility on the things that *instinctools developers are doing and performing for us, communication is good. Wherever we see that we need some more exra resources, we have found *instinctools to be a good partner in helping us out on those areas.

Tim Rosenberger
Director, Global R&D

I’ve been impressed by the available skillset, tthe flexibility to ramp up resources quickly, and the scalability to extend development teams on short notice. I look forward to continue collaboration with *instinctools and their contribution to our projects.

Richard Lohwasser
Co-Founder & CEO

People at *instinctools are quite tech heads, which I like. They have used very advanced libraries, advanced techniques, advanced coding paradigms. So the advantage is that we get reusable code, that we get well-testable code, we get well-maintained code.

Dr. Jonas Block
Product Owner

The *instinctools team exhibits the flexibility and professionality required for young companies. You can rely on their tested structures and processes that integrate nicely with your internal workflows. Being able to grow your team quickly with experienced professionals that start delivering value immediately and without a long interview process is a huge help. And personally, you will be working with a team of kind and interesting people.

Nadine Walther
Co-Founder & CEO

The team is dependable when it comes to managing time and finances, consistently staying within the designated budget. We’re pleased with *instinctools. Their business analysts are exceptional. They serve as the spokespeople between technology and business, representing both sides effectively.

Jeanine Shepstone
Senior Technical Writer

Instinctools is good at understanding the technical issues – once an issue is outlined, they do not need repeated explanation. They also do not simply accept a proposed solution, but they think about it and propose a better solution. I was really impressed by the custom interface they built for us – we outlined the requirements, and they implemented them in a user-friendly way that makes the interface a pleasure to use.

By the numbers

We are not just another custom software development vendor. Instinctools is your end-to-end custom software development and consulting partner that truly cares about your product success, takes full ownership of the project, and comes through on every single commitment.






years of expertise

Ready to find out more?

Technologies to power your custom software solutions

Don’t just bet on the future. Build it. Our custom application software development company helps you gain from cutting-edge technologies to augment your digital products with innovative features and help them thrive in competitive markets.

Ready to get started on your custom software development project?

Tech stack and ample experience

Programming languages and frameworks
Reporting and visualization
On-premise solutions based on open source stack
Software products
Cloud platforms

Awards and recognition


What is a custom software development company?

Custom software development companies deliver bespoke solutions tailored to the company’s unique needs. Unlike off the shelf software, tailored solutions smoothly plug into the company’s tech infrastructure and have the exact set of features the company needs to address its business challenges. 

What is the average custom software development cost?

The cost of customized IT services varies greatly based on the solution's complexity. While simple web applications take up around $20,000 to $50,000, the cost of enterprise wide software may start at $200,000+. The location of the custom software firm also impacts the pricing model. For example, a custom software development company in the USA charges around $100 per hour, while you will pay around $40-$70 per hour to a Poland-based tech partner for the same custom software application development services.

The cost of custom software is calculated on a case-by-case basis so we recommend contacting our development team to get an accurate estimate for your project.

Why hire a custom software development company?

One of the main reasons to hire a custom software development company is the level of expertise they bring to the table. Development companies have teams of skilled developers on tap who have a deep understanding of the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies relevant to your project. They autonomously work on developing your software and making it efficient, reliable, and scalable. In the meantime, you can focus on your core business tasks.

Another reason to hire a custom software programming services company is the level of customization they offer. Custom development partners build tailored solutions that are specifically designed for your unique business requirements. This means that you pay only for the exact features and functionality you need, without any frills.

How do you create a software solution?

We perform custom software programming in small iterations to achieve higher flexibility in the process and spot possible issues early in development. Our software development lifecycle is incremental. With each iteration, our custom software programmers continually improve your product until you’re satisfied with the final deliverable.

How do I choose a custom software developer?

To find a suitable candidate for your custom development solution, you should gauge their level of experience in your domain. Take a look at their portfolio and success stories to see whether they specialize in projects similar to yours. Also, make sure that your tech partner provides end-to-end custom software services and can cover every development stage.

Prioritize software development companies that have a well-documented and well-executed project development process in place as it promotes smooth and timely delivery. You should also check whether the team has appropriate data security practices in place and whether they can meet your regulatory requirements.

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

Get in touch

Drop us a line about your project at or via the contact form below, and we will contact you soon.