Dedicated Software Development Team

Looking for top-tier software development talent that delivers turnkey solutions with minimal need for oversight on your part? Your quest ends here. Make the most of our dedicated development team services, offering self-managed squads of IT experts when it’s most critical.

What is a dedicated team? It’s like an in-house team — only better

A committed, well-coordinated suite of cross-functional specialists — that’s what a dedicated team is. It’s akin to having an in-house team experienced in delivering high-value projects, minus the hassle of hiring, infrastructure setup, and daily management. It doesn’t mean you have to switch off a control mode if you don’t feel like it — but a great thing is to know that you can completely delegate your project development to trusted experts.

From concept to launch, the dedicated development team model allows for full project engagement, with the freedom to customize team size and composition based on the project’s complexity, specific requirements, and other factors. Developers, designers, QA engineers, project managers, and any other roles necessary for the project to hit it off can be handpicked on a client’s request. Unlike other models, the dedicated software team is exclusive to one client and focused on one set of business goals — yours.

Why *instinctools

Increase speed to market


Reduce development cost


Assure information security


Get high-quality software


Scale team up and down


Stepping up to the plate: IT staff augmentation vs. dedicated team

When it comes to outsourcing, companies are constantly on the lookout for the most effective cooperation models. What sets a dedicated team apart from another widespread outsourcing approach — IT staff augmentation — is the amount of responsibility (and headaches) the client can delegate to their tech partner.

Что отличает выделенную команду от другого широко распространенного аутсорсингового подхода — увеличения штата ИТ—специалистов, так это объем ответственности (и головной боли), который клиент может делегировать своему техническому партнеру.
Vendor’s responsibilityStaff augmentationDedicated team
Providing engineering capacity
Onboarding and knowledge transfer
Project documentation
Software development process setup and maintenance
Project, team and risk management

Shuffle off the project development burden to a trusted tech partner

What our clients say

Patrick Reich
Co-Founder & CEO

The expectations for the quality of the initial product were very high. I think *instinctools did a great job ensuring those expectations are met. We met the developers we were going to be working with and it quickly became apparent that they are very qualified and were able to deliver the vision that we had from our side for the product. They clearly told us what they were going to do, and if there were questions or problems along the way, they clarified them really quickly thanks to transparent communication.

Dimitri Popolov
Research Data and Systems Manager

We had a tight delivery deadline and *instinctools has been able to find another developer and assign him to our project from one day to another. And we’ve been able to successfully deliver this project. When the partner is good, things are just getting done. And that was the case with *instinctools.

Matti Vesterinen
Solution Development Manager

The quality has been good. It’s been on the expected level: things come on time, we have a good visibility on the things that *instinctools developers are doing and performing for us, communication is good. Wherever we see that we need some more exra resources, we have found *instinctools to be a good partner in helping us out on those areas.

Tim Rosenberger
Director, Global R&D

I’ve been impressed by the available skillset, tthe flexibility to ramp up resources quickly, and the scalability to extend development teams on short notice. I look forward to continue collaboration with *instinctools and their contribution to our projects.

Richard Lohwasser
Co-Founder & CEO

People at *instinctools are quite tech heads, which I like. They have used very advanced libraries, advanced techniques, advanced coding paradigms. So the advantage is that we get reusable code, that we get well-testable code, we get well-maintained code.

Dr. Jonas Block
Product Owner

The *instinctools team exhibits the flexibility and professionality required for young companies. You can rely on their tested structures and processes that integrate nicely with your internal workflows. Being able to grow your team quickly with experienced professionals that start delivering value immediately and without a long interview process is a huge help. And personally, you will be working with a team of kind and interesting people.

Nadine Walther
Co-Founder & CEO

The team is dependable when it comes to managing time and finances, consistently staying within the designated budget. We’re pleased with *instinctools. Their business analysts are exceptional. They serve as the spokespeople between technology and business, representing both sides effectively.

Jeanine Shepstone
Senior Technical Writer

Instinctools is good at understanding the technical issues – once an issue is outlined, they do not need repeated explanation. They also do not simply accept a proposed solution, but they think about it and propose a better solution. I was really impressed by the custom interface they built for us – we outlined the requirements, and they implemented them in a user-friendly way that makes the interface a pleasure to use.

You set the objective, the rest is covered by us

A dedicated software development team makes a perfect fit for companies who don’t have time to get into development weeds and prefer their tech partner to take care of the whole process from A to Z.

Cohesive team

The strength of any project lies in the joint effort of its team. At *instinctools, you gain access to skilled experts that operate in sync, using standardized methodologies and tools. This unity fosters an environment where complex problems are solved efficiently, leading to innovative solutions and a competitive edge for your business.

Resource replacement

Wherever the need for replacing team members arises from — be it due to illness, vacation, or any unforeseen circumstances — with our dedicated team model, such challenges are no longer your concern. We guarantee a fast and seamless replacement process, ensuring that your project is getting ahead without interruption.

Code quality

Once you request for dedicated developers from *instinctools, the worry over code quality becomes a thing of the past. Our team of engineers sticks to the clean code standards and takes a proactive approach to technical debt management to ward off system breakdowns, security risks, or performance problems.

  • Code quality gates
  • Unit testing
  • Code review
Ironclad security

Instinctools puts the spotlight on maintaining the security and integrity of the development process to safeguard your project assets. That’s why we’ve laid out a comprehensive InfoSec strategy, which rests upon rock-solid infrastructure, secure SDLC, intellectual property and personal data protection, and ISP guidelines.

Knowledge sharing

To prevent important project information from getting stuck with just one expert, we’ve set up a smooth system for sharing knowledge across our software development experts. This way, information flows freely and everyone benefits from shared insights. We also hand over our best practices and all project knowledge to your team, ensuring you keep full control while also tapping into *instinctools’ deep expertise.

  • Helping to develop a unified knowledge repository
  • Ensuring thorough and unified project documentation
  • Facilitating technical and product discussions for regular knowledge sharing with the client’s team
Well-honed delivery process

A great idea is only worth the effort when executed properly. Our distinctive Delivery Framework, grounded in the best practices of Disciplined Agile Delivery and PMBoK 7 and polished across 650+ projects, brings order, clarity, and reliability to software development. This structured approach allows us to consistently deliver high-quality, repeatable results, within the agreed timeframe and budget.

  • Exemplary PM Handbook
  • Architecture-driven approach
  • Proven engineering practices
  • Ease of governance and escalation
Risk management

Our dedicated development teams adeptly navigate through challenges for your project to stay in the groove. From preventing scope creep and personnel-related issues to factoring in legal and compliance requirements and avoiding communication breakdowns, our approach is designed to nip all the possible risks in the bud.

We offer a seamless extension of your company's capabilities to help you innovate, stay relevant, and drive profitable growth

Featured success stories


Don’t miss out on the medley of benefits from the dedicated team model

Capture maximum value of the dedicated team’s effort behind your software development undertaking.

Zero operational expenses

Want operational overheads off your plate? The dedicated team model leads to significant cost-savings by charging only for the work done, eliminating the need for traditional recruitment and administrative expenses. Paid leave, insurance, training programs, and equipment-related costs are on us.

Stress-free hiring process

When it comes to talent acquisition, you don’t have to worry about a thing. We scour our vast internal databases to find candidates that would be the perfect fit for your project in terms of technical skills, experience, and personal qualities. Moreover, you don’t have to deal with the intricacies of local employment laws and other legal nuances — as your vendor, we handle all that for you.

Access to a wide talent pool and high-quality, up-to-date expertise

Through our network, you gain access to first-rate pre-vetted tech experts — the ones, who can rarely be found on Upwork. Whatever the challenge, our software developers will put their best foot forward to tackle it.

Up and down scalability

Built for adaptability, the dedicated development team model allows rapid — from a couple of days — adjustments to your project team size, be it scaling up or down. We provide flexibility you yearn for to keep the project moving and responding to your changing needs.

Control over the results, minus the daily grind

With *instinctools’ dedicated software development teams, you can be involved in the development process to the extent you want to be. Whether you’d prefer to plunge into every project detail or have an upper-level view of what’s going on, we are ready to give you complete visibility into the project’s progress through end-to-end reporting. Regular updates (daily stand-ups or weekly check-ins depending on the project’s dynamics), weekly/bi-weekly/monthly demos, and retrospective analyses help keep stakeholders and the team in the loop and support continuous improvement efforts.

A helping hand for your in-house team

Outsourcing part of your development load allows your in-house team to focus on pushing the boundaries of core functionality development, while the dedicated team takes over the essential yet time-consuming secondary chores, such as migrations, upgrades, etc. With this strategic division of labor, your project never grinds to a screeching halt, as both teams can work in lockstep towards a common goal without overburdening your internal staff.


It’s not you, who should shift gears. Our software development team fits into your established communication framework, be it your preferred channels, communication frequency and type, or meeting scheduling. We also adjust to your habitual time- and task-tracking tools and environments, allowing for uninterrupted collaboration, without any extra effort from your side.

Custom payment scheduling

Financial problems can, but don’t have to, stand in the way of your project goals. Good at putting ourselves in our clients’ shoes, we offer customized approaches that extend beyond development to payment scheduling as well. A calibrated payment plan helps align the interests of both parties and facilitate smooth project execution.

  • Upfront payment
  • Deferred payment
  • Milestone-based payment

Grab your bag of benefits

Industries we serve

and Media

By the numbers


 from 3 FTE

 to 100 FTE


 allocation from

 2-3 days




 and frameworks

On average,

 30% faster

development *

*through the adoption of established software engineering and project management methodologies

Software development is a team sport — bring together different functions seamlessly

Tailored to the demands of your project, our approach involves step-by-step team building — starting with a core team and expanding with additional expertise as required. This dynamic team structure guarantees access to the precise skills needed at every project stage. From visionary strategists to technical aces, we curate a lineup of professionals committed to turning your vision into reality.

Project Manager

Staying at the helm of software development undertakings, project managers take full responsibility for the team’s efficiency, keeping stakeholders’ aligned, and ensuring timely, on-budget delivery of your solution. It’s on their watch whether a project sails to success or sinks into failure.

Full-stack developers

Well-versed in frontend and backend development, *instinctools’ developers bring your ideas to life in the most efficient way possible. Our versatile skill set enables the rapid development of scalable and robust applications, ensuring the project’s technical excellence.

Business Analyst

To shape the project vision that clicks with the client, our business analysts gather and analyze user requirements, define project scope, and craft the communication bridge between stakeholders and the technical team.

UX/UI designers
Creating functional and aesthetically pleasing designs is table stakes for our design team. From wireframes and prototypes to full-scale visuals to product redesign, we are ready to deliver at every stage of your project.
QA specialists

As bug-ridden software offsets your project development efforts, we put a premium on quality assurance practices. Our QA experts choose the best-fitting testing methodology tailored to your project context to ensure the invested resources grow into a glitch-free, maintainable, and scalable solution.

DevOps engineers

DevOps experts, brought to your project, speed up delivery and enhance the quality of the developed solution. Through automation, continuous integration and deployment, we help our clients to drive more swift, effective, and secure results.

Services we offer

Based on 20+ years of experience, *instinctools solves complex technological challenges with robust, agile solutions.

Digital Product
Product Design
ERP Consulting
CRM Consulting
AI Software
Custom Software
Mobile App
Legacy Software
Dedicated Teams
Cloud Computing
and Maintenance

Hire a dedicated development team from *instinctools: one-two-three and done

Kicking off a project with *instinctools is as easy as counting 1-2-3. We’ve refined our process to ensure that from the get-go, every step is clear, concise, and tailored to meet your needs.

Request validation

During the initial phase, we clarify project details — get the hang of its boundaries, objectives, and expected deliverables. This step is critical in identifying the necessary tasks, estimating the required resources, budget, and timeline, ensuring all stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of the project’s scope and goals.

Assembling and onboarding a team

By combing through candidates’ resumes, we identify the most suitable experts and present the selected team members to you. If there are any discrepancies with your expectations, we’re ready to fine-tune our selection criteria based on your feedback. Following the agreement, the roles and responsibilities of each team member, project deliverables, collaboration protocols, and KPIs are set.

Starting cooperation

Our dedicated software development team integrates with your project in a matter of days after signing the contract. Designed to adapt quickly to your operational processes, a dedicated team starts contributing to your project’ goals from day one.

Redefine the way of handling projects

Choose a pricing model that matches your context

We respect the diversity of financial backdrops our clients are functioning against. Whether you have flexible IT allocations, adhere to annual fixed budgets, or manage finances on a project-by-project basis, we offer pricing models that align not only with your project needs but also with your budgeting policy.

Fixed price

Ideal for short-term projects with clearly defined scopes and those that can’t be broken down into shorter, time-bound segments, the fixed-price model implies that the cost of development is known and agreed upon before the work begins. By carefully assessing the precise efforts required to complete the project, we are able to provide an upfront estimation of the total cost for our services, ensuring clarity and predictability for our clients.

Time & Material

When project tasks are expected to evolve due to either initial user feedback or shifting client needs, or other variables, *instinctools resorts to the T&M pricing model. With the development expenses anchored to predetermined rates and the actual effort our specialists invest in achieving the desired outcomes, our clients are billed only for the tangible work done. Although pinpointing the precise scope of work from the onset is challenging, our time-tested project management and delivery methodologies enable us to establish a baseline scope and provide accurate forecasts right from the start, blending flexibility with financial clarity.

Awards and recognition


What is a dedicated development team?
A dedicated software development team is a service model where a client hires a pre-vetted team of IT professionals to ensure high-quality deliverables and full engagement from concept to completion. It combines the agility of outsourcing with the dedication and focus of an in-house team, providing calibrated technical expertise and commitment to your project's success.
What is a dedicated team structure?
The structure of dedicated teams is highly customizable and typically includes developers, designers, QA engineers, and project managers, among other team members. This setup can be adjusted based on the project’s complexity, specific requirements, and desired outcomes.
How do I choose a dedicated development team?
Choosing a dedicated development team includes assessing the team's technical skills, experience, and cultural fit with your organization. It's also important to consider the vendor's track record, willingness to follow your specific project requirements, methodologies for managing their teams and projects, and their flexibility in adapting to your needs. Known for its mature development and delivery practices, crystallized from a two-decade market success, *instinctools ensures a fruitful collaboration for every client.
What’s the minimum team size and contract length?
The minimum team size and contract length for a dedicated outsourced team can vary depending on the project's scope and requirements. Typically, there's flexibility to start with a core team and scale as necessary. Contracts can range from a few months to several years, designed to support long-term projects with evolving scopes.
Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

Get in touch

Drop us a line about your project at or via the contact form below, and we will contact you soon.