Computer Vision Consulting

Our computer vision consulting company helps global organizations reinvent their existing digital products from the ground up and create brand-new solutions that perceive visual information just like humans do.

Why it pays to have a computer vision co-pilot in tow

The implementation of computer vision (CV) technology is growing in leaps and bounds across many industries. In every field, its potential goes beyond automation: computer vision systems fundamentally transform the way businesses operate and create competitive capabilities secured well into the future.

Enable seamless human-machine interaction

Allow users to interact with devices in a more natural way, facilitating adoption and enhancing the productivity of human resources. Integrating computer vision into applications allows for entirely new modalities of engagement between humans and machines, including gesture recognition, hand tracking, and object tracking.

Extend existing products with innovative features

Gear up existing products with competitive capabilities that grow the value and appeal of your existing solutions beyond customer expectations. By pairing CV with AI-based analysis, you can tap into new markets, expand your reach within existing ones, and grow your revenue as you gain a larger customer base.

Forge the path to boundless automation

Improve your bottom line by fully automating back- and front-office tasks and relieving your employees of the daily grind. Machine learning and computer vision endow machines with audiovisual comprehension and actionable intelligence, improving the autonomy of CV-enabled robots and applications in performing tasks with little or no manual input.

Engage with customers in new ways

Touch base with more customers on their home turf via text, speech, or image to promote higher conversions, stand out from the competitors, and boost engagements. Supplementing your applications with features like seamless payment options and virtual try-ons, computer vision algorithms also promote ultimate customer-centric services, allowing you to anticipate a customer’s needs and then get it right.

Wield the potential of computer vision to tack on efficiency to your operations and maximize value for your customers

Why *instinctools

Increase speed to market


Reduce development cost


Assure information security


Get high-quality software


Scale team up and down


Map the value beyond the hype with our computer vision consulting services

When you come to us with a specific business challenge, our computer vision consultants offer a targeted solution, fine-tuned to the specifics of your company and market. We speak the language of your business, helping your team make sense of complex tech concepts.

Idea validation

Our computer vision experts assess the viability of your idea and whether it’s cut out for computer vision. After a thorough analysis, we single out the ways and core premise for solving your business challenge and provide you with a top-level view of the model development workflow, model optimization, and further maintenance.

Risk assessment

Our experts break down your CV solution and the methodology behind it to give you higher visibility into the obvious and hidden risks of developing the model. Thanks to our comprehensive experience in the niche, we can give you a heads-up on any type of risks, whether it’s a vendor lock-in, geographical limitations, or the high costs of additional model training.

Project budgeting and ROI analysis

Our mission as your computer vision consultant is to identify the most cost-efficient way of achieving the necessary accuracy rate of the algorithm. We can also form the KPI set for the solution, determine the key factors affecting the cost of development, and outline the cost structure for your upcoming project.

Proof of concept (PoC)

Our team develops a small-scale version of your CV solution and tests it in a controlled environment to see whether it stands a chance in the wild. Fast and budget-friendly, our computer vision PoC allows you to fine-tune your business model, measure and evaluate strategic trade-offs, and optimize resource allocation.

Development assistance and optimization of your solution

Need your datasets to be enriched faster and at less cost? No problem. Our AI engineers work side-by-side with your team to determine the right tech tools and strategic moves that would drive forward your computer vision solution and help you get the most out of your computer vision data training and labeling budget.

Model retraining

Retraining an ML model is essential for maintaining its performance and preventing data drift, but oftentimes this process results in hefty computing costs. That’s when we pitch in: our experts help you streamline the process of model retraining, optimize computing costs, and determine the right retraining cadence for your ML solution.


We set up, optimize, and automate your ML pipelines, including data ingestion or training, to ensure a consistent workflow of enhancing your model’s performance. Following your unique business needs, our experts design and implement cloud solutions based on AWS, Azure, or GCP and build CI/CD pipelines orchestration to continuously train and deploy ML models for prediction.

Your computer vision solution — faster, better, and cost-efficient

What our clients say

Patrick Reich
Co-Founder & CEO

The expectations for the quality of the initial product were very high. I think *instinctools did a great job ensuring those expectations are met. We met the developers we were going to be working with and it quickly became apparent that they are very qualified and were able to deliver the vision that we had from our side for the product. They clearly told us what they were going to do, and if there were questions or problems along the way, they clarified them really quickly thanks to transparent communication.

Dimitri Popolov
Research Data and Systems Manager

We had a tight delivery deadline and *instinctools has been able to find another developer and assign him to our project from one day to another. And we’ve been able to successfully deliver this project. When the partner is good, things are just getting done. And that was the case with *instinctools.

Matti Vesterinen
Solution Development Manager

The quality has been good. It’s been on the expected level: things come on time, we have a good visibility on the things that *instinctools developers are doing and performing for us, communication is good. Wherever we see that we need some more exra resources, we have found *instinctools to be a good partner in helping us out on those areas.

Tim Rosenberger
Director, Global R&D

I’ve been impressed by the available skillset, tthe flexibility to ramp up resources quickly, and the scalability to extend development teams on short notice. I look forward to continue collaboration with *instinctools and their contribution to our projects.

Richard Lohwasser
Co-Founder & CEO

People at *instinctools are quite tech heads, which I like. They have used very advanced libraries, advanced techniques, advanced coding paradigms. So the advantage is that we get reusable code, that we get well-testable code, we get well-maintained code.

Dr. Jonas Block
Product Owner

The *instinctools team exhibits the flexibility and professionality required for young companies. You can rely on their tested structures and processes that integrate nicely with your internal workflows. Being able to grow your team quickly with experienced professionals that start delivering value immediately and without a long interview process is a huge help. And personally, you will be working with a team of kind and interesting people.

Nadine Walther
Co-Founder & CEO

The team is dependable when it comes to managing time and finances, consistently staying within the designated budget. We’re pleased with *instinctools. Their business analysts are exceptional. They serve as the spokespeople between technology and business, representing both sides effectively.

Jeanine Shepstone
Senior Technical Writer

Instinctools is good at understanding the technical issues – once an issue is outlined, they do not need repeated explanation. They also do not simply accept a proposed solution, but they think about it and propose a better solution. I was really impressed by the custom interface they built for us – we outlined the requirements, and they implemented them in a user-friendly way that makes the interface a pleasure to use.

Computer vision development

Our machine vision consulting company helps you lay the groundwork for upcoming CV projects and overcome the existing challenges of your computer vision development.

Collecting and labeling training data

Deploying computer vision projects is not merely about capturing more data. It’s about capturing just the right amount of data that improves the accuracy of your computer vision algorithms without increasing the cost. Our data engineers help you come up with an effective data strategy, get your training data in order through validation and pre-processing, and provide your team with the tools to label data faster and at less cost.

СV algorithm selection and optimization

Our consultants assist you in selecting an optimal computer vision algorithm based on the complexity of your problem, the availability and quality of the data, and the available computational resources. Our computer vision engineers also improve the architecture of your existing CV solution and optimize the training process in terms of quality, speed, and resource consumption.

Awards and recognition

Computer vision use cases across different domains

Computer vision apps have made their way into almost every industry, enabling the automation of tasks that were previously partially or entirely done manually. But the true potential of the technology goes beyond that: a well-designed, scalable computer vision system tailored to specific business requirements has far-reaching effects, improving an organization’s productivity and competitiveness long-term.

  • provide product recommendations or offers based on customer preferences and habits through behavior analysis
  • automate stock monitoring and management using image recognition
  • identify peak hours and optimize staffing by analyzing footfall, pass-by traffic, and interaction
  • enhance store performance and fix the dead zone problems by drawing heatmaps of the most visited areas
  • enhance the accuracy of medical imaging analysis to catch early-onset diseases and improve treatment outcomes
  • amplify the precisions of surgical procedures by providing real-time visual and spatial information to surgeons
  • facilitate non-invasive remote patient monitoring
  • develop assistive technologies that aid in object recognition, navigation, and reading
  • optimize crop management and improve yield via drones and satellite imagery
  • minimize the use of chemicals by applying herbicides only where necessary
  • automate harvesting and sorting processes via image analysis
  • ensure animal welfare in livestock by promptly detecting anomalies, monitoring feeding patterns, and observing animal health conditions
  • detect product defects and irregularities via automated inspection systems with smart algorithms
  • ensure compliance with safety standards by monitoring equipment and detecting unsafe behaviors in real time
  • minimize machine downtime via ongoing visual data monitoring of machinery and equipment condition
  • augment industrial robots with advanced navigating capabilities to improve their precision and efficiency
  • supplement vehicles with advanced driver assistance systems for object detection and recognition
  • enable self-driving cars to identify and perceive the surrounding environment
  • optimize traffic flow and enhance transportation efficiency via smart traffic systems
Security and surveillance
  • detect unauthorized intrusions in restricted areas via real-time analysis of video feeds
  • recognize potential threats or unusual behaviors through surveillance cameras to enhance security measures
  • use facial recognition to ensure a secure and efficient entry to buildings or restricted areas.
Finance and banking
  • detect anomalies in documents or transactions that could indicate fraudulent activity

  • automate document process and categorization through optical character recognition

  • speed up risk assessment through visual data analysis, including property images and vehicle inspections
Entertainment and Media
  • enable automated content categorization and recommendation to detect fake news and generate personalized content
  • deliver interactive experiences through gesture and emotion recognition
  • use facial recognition to provide ticketless access to events
  • use facial recognition and eye tracking to gauge student engagement and participation levels in real-time

  • create interactive and augmented reality learning experiences

  • analyze feeds from CCTV cameras to identify students and register their attendance

Real estate and construction
  • improve the safety and security of the construction site via real-time site monitoring

  • track the use of building materials with automatic recognition and classification

  • create 3D models and virtual tours of properties for better visualization and marketing

Your computer vision challenges, addressed

Lots of companies head straight into CV development, but the appeal of AI projects wears off within a short while when budgets get exhausted and metrics are not met. The good news? We can help you cut through the complexity.

Developing complex algorithms with fewer resources


The development of custom algorithms for object identification and analysis in videos and photos is associated with significant financial and time resources, making AI vision adoption challenging for specific business scenarios.


Our developers leverage artificial intelligence cloud platforms like Azure AI or AWS AI services that offer tools to speed up the testing and implementation processes for computer vision technologies, saving you costs and some trouble during development.

Unstable conditions for data gathering


Changes in lighting and temperature can distort the appearance of objects and create undesirable visual effects, affecting the quality of data for AI vision analysis and complicating the object recognition task for the system.


Our computer vision engineers implement automated data labeling and anomaly correction tools to improve the data preparation process, reducing errors in manual labeling and efficiently correcting data irregularities.

Data preprocessing and labeling


Gleaning, organizing, and accurately labeling large and diverse datasets to train a high-quality model is a difficult task to master on your own.


We introduce automated data labeling tools and establish internal processes, including clear labeling guidelines, quality control measures, and regular training for labeling teams to ensure data accuracy and consistency.

Make use of computer vision tasks to craft a tailored solution

Drawing on our deep learning expertise, we help you select the right combination of tasks for your computer vision project in alignment with the throughput you expect from the solution.

Image classification

As one of the backbone image processing techniques, image classification forms the basis for other computer vision tasks. It enables the accurate classification of a given image into one or several groups, powering a raft of applications from medical imaging to automated tagging in retail.

Object detection

Building on image classification, object detection aims to determine the boundaries of certain objects in digital images and video streams. We choose object detection for applications like defect identification, predictive maintenance, face recognition, and more.

Object tracking

Object tracking involves the continuous tracking of objects in successive frames of a video or image sequence. Multiple object tracking can help when detection fails, particularly in applications like collision avoidance, traffic monitoring, and store surveillance.

Content-based image retrieval

This task is essential for applications that deal with image search in large databases. By replacing manual image tagging with automatic image annotation, content-based image retrieval facilitates digital asset management and other applications contingent upon the accuracy of search and retrieval.

Get your computer vision solution optimized for performance
and accuracy

Partnerships built on trust


Is computer vision in high demand?

According to McKinsey, over 50% of organizations have deployed AI in at least one function. Computer vision is the most commonly deployed technology among all AI offshoots, with 34% of companies introducing it into business functions such as service operations, product development, and more.

What does a computer vision engineer do?

Computer vision engineers develop, test, deploy, and maintain custom models based on computer vision. They also keep a close watch on the models in a live environment to improve their performance based on the gathered analytics.

What is a computer vision expert?

At *instinctools, computer vision IT consulting experts help companies navigate the complexities of AI software development, strategize their upcoming projects, and optimize custom solutions. By combining technical expertise with domain knowledge, our experts come up with an optimal solution that’ll help your business transform the way it operates and fully realize the benefits from computer vision.

Anna Vasilevskaya
Anna Vasilevskaya Account Executive

Get in touch

Drop us a line about your project at or via the contact form below, and we will contact you soon.